Friday, February 08, 2008

Another day in the mountains of Colorado. I-70 has been closed for 12 hours and effectively shut down our town. Colorado Dept of Transportation, that wonderful entity that supported our family for many years( our Dad was a highway Engineer) and provided our school supplies, shut the highway down 6 miles east of Idaho Springs at the junction of nowhere and someplace. Wouldn't it make more sense to shut the road at Idaho Springs so people would have the option of a meal, or a room if desired instead of the side of the road in your car until your gas runs out and you freeze.

Shutting down the road was justified as the wind gusts were up to 100MPH and the snow was falling sidways. The Road guys usually let my hubby Chuck who works at Loveland Ski Area come home even if the road is closed. Last night they told him it was just too dangerous.

I am ready for spring

1 comment:

SkylersDad said...

This really has been one hell of a snow year! About time.